I feel sad today. Last night, a friend of mine posted something on Facebook. He said that he was sick, had some infections and such, due to complications with diabetes. I commented on his post and told him that it was possible to reverse diabetes (he is Type 2 like I was) and that if he was interested he should send me a private message. I would be more than willing to help him.
Almost instantly I did get a private message from him, and I told him how I reversed diabetes using a ketogenic diet combined with fasting. He just sent me a “thumbs up” for his reply, nothing more. It made me feel that he probably was not interested.
This morning, I saw on Facebook that he is in the hospital now, he was admitted this morning. He showed pictures of his various infections in different areas on his body, and they did not look good. I used to be like that too. Particularly I would get “diabetic ulcers” on my legs. That is the first step toward amputation.
Speaking of amputation, I got a real wake up call a couple of years ago. One of Feyma‘s cousins had a serious battle with diabetes. She was on kidney dialysis. She had both of her legs amputated! It literally scared the hell out of me and got me very serious about treating my diabetes more seriously.
Sadly, the cousin, Nora, died about a year and a half ago. Seeing her go through dialysis, amputations and finally, death was a real eye-opener for me, and I am happy that I was still able to take control of diabetes and finally eliminate it completely from my life.
That is why I am so sad for my friend who is in the hospital today. I know that he can reverse diabetes. One thing that particularly saddened me was that after I commented on his Facebook post telling him that he could reverse his diabetes, a lot of other people started commenting telling him that I was lying, diabetes cannot be reversed and stuff like that. You know, that is what we have been taught, but the newer ways of approaching diabetes prove that it is not a chronic disease that you just have to live with. It is reversible, and not that hard to take control of.
I wish my friend good luck. I hope he gets over his current problems, and I really hope he takes the bull by the horns and reverses diabetes forever!
I also hope he gets better & can listen to you on reversal!
I know that reversal is a very “out of the box” thing, and he probably thinks it is impossible. But, I have done it and I know many others who have too! ๐
I have it also had it for years I have had sugar levels of up to 170. I know not extremely high but with diet and changes I am running 90 to 104 with meds with the 3 month average running 4.7 and I plan as my level get lower and they will then I will phase out the pill that I take every morning. I do not have the well power at this time to go with the diet that is working with u but I am dropping weight, lowering blood pressure and all my blood test are back in the normal range. For me first battle was removing stress from my life, then weight down (not as big a drop as u Bob but still 35 pounds + lost from my high of 285 with my goal of under 200. Keep up the success Bob u inspire many of us..
Hi Luke – i was diagnosed with diabetes more than 25 years ago. My sugar levels were as high as in the 400s. Currently, my sugar levels are similar to yours. I run 75 to 100 or so. I feel great, and I am so happy to say that! I am looking forward to getting my next HBA1C test, because I think I will also be in the 4s now. I have been running about 5.3, but my blood sugar is down significantly in the past couple months! Keep it up Luke! You are also on the right path!
thanks Bob.
Conventional medicine and Big Pharma don’t want people to know what you’re saying. There have actually been dozens of alternative type doctors murdered or they died under very suspicious circumstances in the last few years in the U.S. Keep up the good work.
I think this is very true.
Bob, sorry to hear about your friend. Many people may have attacked your comments out of seer ignorance. For decades we have been told it is a progressive disease and it is…..they progress you from one oral drug to another, then to insulin mimics, then insulin and as you make no progress drug companies make huge profits. There is no money in curing diabetes, the money is progressing your disease and increasing their bottom line. Doctors are brainwashed by drug companies to give newer and more up to date medications, none of which cure the disease, only focus on a lower blood sugar number. So people hear the doctor said this and that; then you contradict what the doctor said or what they have heard and repeated, you become the fish out of water when in fact you have the lastest information. You know the old saying “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink “? Well you are seeing it play out. You can tell people all day long but if they are not ready or motivated it falls on deaf ears. Keep up the good fight.
Hi Jeff – Thanks for posting this. It is so true what you are saying.
You know, about 2 or 3 years ago I got an email from a person telling me I needed to start doing a high fat diet with low carbs and it would cure diabetes for me. I laughed when I hear that. I asked a friend about it, he is a doctor. He told me not to listen. Later, I decided to give it a try, since I felt I had nothing to lose. I am so happy that I decided to be open minded. I just wish my friend would give it a try too.
True and I agree with that.
Hi Cathy – It is such an unconventional thing to do that it is scary. It goes against everything we have been taught over the years. But, when I finally decided to give it a try, it really did wonders for me! I was (and still am) shocked that we have been taught the wrong things over the years.
Sorry to hear this.
Sending you love n light.
Thank you, Resh! I wish you the same. Keep traveling the path, I know I will!
Good on you Bob. รฐยยย
That really is sad, but it is still not too late. Science is always way ahead of medicine, and as mentioned above, most doctors get all their continuing training from drug companies. I am so glad for your health reversal, and the doctors who are now seeing a new paradigm as a result! Ripple effect!
The changes that I have made have also made me very happy, and feeling so much better.
Bob, in one word, “EXCELLENT”.
Thank you, I know that’s how I feel.
People don’t always want to change but it’s good to hear you have and the success. I don’t always comment but have been following your post . Very good job
Thanks Roger
I can feel you. I have a friend who also is a diabetic whom I am convincing to try keto but seems too overwhelmed by her sickness and would not listen. I thought, it would be very easy to convince one if you have personal testimony about it, but turns out it is not as well, based on your post.
I hope your friend turns her health around.
The issue with “friends” on facebook… You always have people “who know better” and as “friends” just put you down… Some months ago, I deleted my main account, where I had over 3’000 “friends” that I got along the years… This account had my real name, my real adress, all real details and one day, I got phone calls from a moron in US of A who was threatening me ๐ And what for ? because i fight against the damn paedophiles who come here for their sick fun… Keep up the good job Bob… Assholes are everywhere ๐
Thank you
I hope your friend gets better and listen to you Bob and try your method.
I do too Ruth!
Bob, he may have been a little late informing you. Hopefully he will recover from this bout of infections and follow your instructions. I tried to help a good friend of mine defeat diabetes but he would always put it off.That is until another friend of his lost his leg because of diabetes. He could not follow my instructions quickly enough after that and in just 6 months he was diabetes free.
I hope he will give it a try. Seeing a fro lose a leg is a real wake up call.
You are so right Bob. There’s a lot that can be cured or seriously corrected by smart eating, supplements, and exercise. I also hope that your friend will give it a try.
For sure, Glenn. I would hate to see him go through something major like an amputation or something like that. Very sad.
I have worked with patients just like your friend. It’s a hard road, and one I’d urge anybody to not go down.
I can imagine in your line of work, Glenn, that this would be maddening!
More like saddening
Carbs, carbs and more carbs wear down the system faster than normal, thus, diabetes can occur…so said Mayo clinic to me years ago when I was in Rochester, Minnesota. Lower the carbs and reduce the body’s need to produce lot’s of insulin to compensate!
So true Roger.
Bob, I sympathize with you. I feel sad and frustrated when I try to tell people about the programs in the book, “Beat the Heart Attack Gene”. This book also has a lengthy discussion about Type II diabetes, and how it, like heart attack and stroke, are generally preventable.
Hi Mike – I hear you! T2D is not only preventable, but also reversible if you get it! I know, because I reversed mine! ๐
Yes, I forgot to add all are “reversible” too. Glad that you independently found ways to stop and reverse your diabetes. Great work. I wish more people would realize this.
It is hard for people to comprehend/understand that diabetes can be reversed, because the medical community has taught us all of our lives that it is impossible to do that. But, the most recent medical research shows that it is not only possible, it is actually becoming quite common for people to reverse diabetes! I am so happy to have put that behind me. I was diabetic for 25+ years!
Type2 absolutely can be reversed or controlled through diet.
Not really correct. Diet plays a large role. But once you reverse your insulin residence, mostly through fasting, you can eat many things that you had to avoid previously. If you really want to do that.