Do You Have Diabetes Type II?
Can It Be Cured?
I was diagnosed with type II diabetes many years ago. I believe it was in 1992, but possibly in 1991. I suffered many complications from diabetes over the years. Diabetes nearly killed me.
The biggest complications caused by diabetes which I experienced were:
- In 2001 I had a stroke
- In 2016 I had a heart attack
- Over the years I would get many very serious infections
There were other things which I suffered that were caused by diabetes, but these are the most serious.
My Diabetes was Uncontrolled
Over the years, I made several attempts to keep my blood sugar under control. Those attempts were never very successful. I would experience short-term fairly moderate success, but never any large degree of success, and never over a long period.
Most of those years saw my blood sugar numbers completely out of control. I rarely even tracked the numbers, because frankly, I didn’t even want to know. I knew that it was bad, so why should I worry myself more?
At the times that I did the test, which was rarely, it was common to see blood sugar levels in the 400 to 450 range. In other words, it was terrible.
I Started Trying to Take Control
In 2014, after that kind and gentle urging of my physician, I decided to try to get some degree of control over my type II diabetes. At first, I implemented some pretty strict diet control and exercise, and I experienced some degree of success. However, because my success was not to the extent where it should be, my doctor urged me to start using insulin injections.
I avoided insulin for about a year, but in 2015 I relented and began using insulin. When I did that, although my blood sugar numbers became very well controlled, the insulin caused me to start gaining a lot of weight again.
I Decided to Start Eating a Ketogenic Diet
Because of the weight gain a side effect of using insulin, I wanted to get off the insulin injections, so I decided to try radically changing my diet, going low-carb, and went with a ketogenic diet. I experienced great success with this. Over a period of a few months, I was able to reduce my insulin usage by about 90%.
Next, I Implemented Fasting into My Routine
When I started doing fasting, intermittent fasting at first, followed by extended fasting, I was able to totally get off of the insulin. Even with no insulin, my blood glucose numbers were lower than they had ever been since I became diabetic. I was very happy.
Not very long after that, my endocrinologist told me that I no longer have diabetes. I was ecstatic.
Some Recent Events
Recently, a couple of things happen that made me think more about this and also angered me to some extent. Have you ever heard the phrase “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink”? I am sure that most of you have.
It is so true, no matter how much you try to help some people, you can’t force them.
My Aunt
Around six weeks ago, I would estimate, my aunt (my uncle”s wife, so maybe she is my aunt in law) posted something on Facebook. When I saw the post, it made me feel very bad. In some ways, it made me angry.
About a year ago my aunt had sent me a message asking me about how I was able to your diabetes. I explained everything to her, and she said she was going to try to do it for herself. To be honest, I really don’t know if she did anything or not, but I would suspect she did nothing.
When my aunt posted on Facebook a while back she was posting about her brother, as I recall. I don’t know the brother and never have. Anyway, when my aunt posted on Facebook she was telling about how her brother had just gotten his leg amputated because of diabetes. Well, as I said, just last year I sent my aunt all of the needed information to get rid of diabetes completely. And, curing yourself of diabetes is not difficult to do.
It made me very sad, even disgusted, to read this. Somebody having to amputate one of their limbs is sickening especially considering that they could have easily prevented it. Very easily.
My friend
I have a friend that I consider to be a good friend, although we have never met in person. We have been friends on Facebook for many years. In some ways, she has a similar health history as me. Although I do not believe she was ever obese, she used to be overweight. She had a heart attack not long before I did.
After her heart attack, she went the traditional route with a low-fat diet. The kind of diet that has been the standard treatment for heart disease for decades now, but frankly has not been very successful.
After my heart attack I took a very unconventional route, but a route that has proven very successful. Successful for myself, and also successful for millions of others. I went with a high-fat diet and low carbs. With this type of diet, I completely reversed diabetes, in my heart health is also excellent now.
My friend posted a few days ago on Facebook that diabetes is a killer, a slow death, and seemingly there is not much you can do. I have told her many times about how I reversed diabetes, and how she could as well. A few times she has told me that she has tried doing what I had done, but from what I can tell those attempts have only lasted a few days. Perhaps I am wrong.
I replied to my friend’s post and told her that diabetes does not have to be a killer, it is easily reversible and that she already knows that I have reversed it myself.
Frankly, it is distressing to see people that I have tried to help who are continuing to suffer the consequences of diabetes. As my friend had posted on Facebook, diabetes will kill you. If you don’t take action sooner or later it will get you.
The conventional methods of treating diabetes are not effective. Newer research is showing that diabetes is very controllable and even curable by strictly limiting carbohydrates in your diet. It is that easy.
Come on, if you are diabetic, do something about it! Honestly, it is not very hard. If you are addicted to carbohydrates, you will go through maybe a couple of weeks of withdrawal, and then it will be smooth sailing. I never crave carbs anymore, my blood sugar numbers are very low. My doctor says I no longer have diabetes. About a year and a half ago I told my doctor that I was going to get rid of diabetes and he told me it was impossible. I told him to just watch and see, and he agreed to do so. He was shocked by what happened, but he agrees that my diabetes is gone.
Your type II diabetes can be gone as well.
Hi Bob, Yes Diabetes type 2 is curable. Seems no big deal the best way to avoid following various diets is to go Vegan for a few months. It will be gone. Keeping an eye on blood sugar levels is really not accurate, you need to watch your insulin resistance. There are other tricks like cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon daily and avoid certain fruits.
Yeah, I already cured my diabetes, the article is more about that you can cure it, not really me asking. ๐ I disagree about going vegan (although there is nothing wrong with that). Avoiding carbs is the key to me. High fat, moderate protein is best in my book. But we are all free to have our own opinions, no problem there.
It’s a life style change. Getting healthy eating right is hard and you have to want to do it. We are a society that wants a pill to take. Well the pill is some times worse than the cure.
I tell people of your success. Most are skeptical but some are interested in learning more.
I totally agree, JC. I find that pills are bad things in most cases. There are always side effects. I have learned that over the past couple of years. I used to think pills were saving my life.
JC Parman indeed you are 100% correct
Jc I was pre-diabetic and totally dumped carbs now I’m slowly reversing that condition
I follow a site called for all the information about a healthy life style
Rex Thompson the carbs do it every time
I’m not pre diabetic but I cut out 85% of my carb intake and inflammation in my lungs got better. I’m a believer. I hate spell check
As you know, my husband is Type 1, and while it is completely different, a KetoDiet has been great for lowering the amount of insulin he needs, and thereby reducing the potential problems that come with diabetes and taking insulin. If he stops responding to insulin in the normal way, a day of fasting gets things back on track.
Hi Luanne – Yeah, I was talking about type 2, but I have read about the wonders that keto and fasting can do for type 1 too. It is quite exciting!
Hi Luanne, yep, I have read about the great things that Keto and Fasting can do for type 1 also! It is really fantastic and exciting!
It’s not curable if you continue to eat the recommended USDA diet but if you go low carb or vegan with fasting it has been proven to reverse type 2 diabetes. Plenty of studies done on this.. It has also been proven that gastric bypass also cures it like immediately.
Gastric bypasses never cure anything except mental illness!!!!
Norman King According to Dr. Fung fasting is the same as gastric bypass in the effect. I believe that. And the need to not have to go under a knife and also not to permanently alter your body is a big plus!
Agreed but I have seen it work for some but they need to radically change their eating habits or they revert back..
Everybody can revert back regardless of how they lose weight. Many people who have gastric bypass operations revert back too, because their stomachs grow because of overeating. So, yeah, reverting back is something that must be guarded against, for sure!
My sister found the loop hole in gastric bypass surgery. She can’t eat much but she eats many times more often.
I have heard of others doing that too. Sad. I find fasting to be very easy and just as effective as bypass
It’s called grazing and i’ve been guilty of it.. they are specifically told to eat only reqular meals with at least 30 grams of protein and don’t drink during meal times.. no snacks, etc..
Thank you for sharing your very educated comment, Bryan! What a smart person you are!
Bob Martin …a much kinder answer than I would give…actually I just block people like him…
Will Moore LoL, I thought I could refrain from attack mode and still get my real message across. LoL
430 To Fit Actually a few years ago EVERYONE in the medical profession thought and told their patients that type 2 diabetes is irreversible and they were doomed to insulin shots and the side affects of diabetes for the rest of their lives. It wasn’t until Gastric bypass that the same doctors started noticing that their patients didnt need insulin shots or at least the same dosages they were taking in fact insulin harmed them (but you know all about that). In fact Gastric Bypass consisted of 2 operations one they call the sleeve and then the bypass operations. They found that over 60% of the sleeve patients didn’t return for the bypass part and had almost the same results without having to take bariatric vitamins. Then later on those who did research on fasting and veganisim also discovered that the type 2 diabetes was reversed.