My Journey has not been easy
Your Journey does not have to be as hard
I’ve been obese all of my life. It has been difficult, not an easy life.
However, in the past 4 years or so, I have really turned my health around. I am healthy now, and I want to help you become healthy as well. I know how to become healthy, and it is not as hard as you think.

I was first diagnosed with Type II diabetes in 1991. I was 29 at the time. I am sure that I had been diabetic for years before that but just was never diagnosed. I avoided going to doctors at all costs because I knew that I would be chastised for my obesity.
When I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes, I weighed 430 pounds. I was pretty constant at that weight for a little over a decade. I can’t say that I was exactly at that weight for all of the time because when you weight in excess of 400 pounds, it is not easy to weigh yourself. You have to find a place with a special scale that can weigh a person that large.
There were several times when Diabetes nearly killed me. It brought me near death from many different associated diseases (stroke, heart disease, near blindness, and others).
Read about my journey through Diabetes. Let me give you a preview, I am no longer diabetic, and not through the help of my doctor, I cured myself through research and effort. Read the full story, and you can heal (or prevent) your own Type 2 Diabetes too.

In 2001, at the age of 39 years old, I had a stroke. I was hospitalized for two weeks, one of those weeks in ICU. I nearly died.
After the stroke, I started taking my health more seriously, and I lost about 100 pounds or so. However, at that time I did not have enough knowledge about making myself healthy, and I was not able to go all the way in turning my journey around. More than a decade and a half later, I gained that information. But, having the stroke, and surviving it, was the thing that set me on the “get healthier” path.
Read about my stroke experience and the steps that I took to get healthier.

Heart Disease
In 2016 I had a heart attack. I went on to have a quadruple heart bypass later in that year. I recently found out that I actually died on the operating table and it took great effort to revive me.
I have turned around my heart disease, though. My heart is now very healthy. I know how to turn around heart disease and actually cure it. You can make yourself better! I can help you do so. Read about my journey through heart disease, you will be glad that you did.

Weight Loss
I was obese all of my life, up until 2018. In 2018, according to my BMI numbers, I was no longer obese, I was simply overweight. I continue my weight loss journey, though, to achieve a normal weight.
I believe that my peak weight was 430 pounds. I don’t know for sure, because I did not have easy access to a scale that would weigh me at that size. I know that the peak that I ever saw on a scale was 430, though.
In 2001 and 2002, after my stroke, I lost about 100 pounds.
In 2016 I had a heart attack, and that drove me to lose a lot more weight. By October 2018, I had gotten down to 199 pounds. I was no longer obese.
I continue my weight loss journey, and although my goal changes, currently I am wanting to get down to about 160 or 165 pounds.
Read about my weight loss journey, and how I achieved the results.

Mental Health
Although I did not realize it, I now believe that for most of my adult life, I suffered from poor mental health. I was moody, I would snap at the people that I loved. Being overly critical was a problem.
When I reversed diabetes, these problems mostly went away. As I studied about diabetes and its effects, I came to learn that high blood sugar, and high insulin cause such moodiness.
When I reversed diabetes and brought insulin resistance under control, I lost the desire to be the type of person that I was. I had to teach myself how to be a kinder and more loving person, but it was not difficult to do since I was no longer predisposed to being like that.
Read about my Mental Health journey, and find out if you are experiencing the same problems that I had.
How I cured every one of the problems I have discussed above
My Diet
I started out by drastically changing my diet. I made these dietary changes after my heart surgery, in early 2017.
My diet can save your life. The diet that I follow is not hard to do either. It is easy, in fact. You can eat until you are full. You can eat a lot of things that you like eating.
My diet will reverse diabetes in a short time, and make your life easier and better.
Read about my diet, and this will start you down the road to recovery and good health.

The second thing that I worked into my lifestyle was fasting. After I changed my diet, I started fasting in less than 2 months. Fasting changed my life.
If you have never done fasting, you will think that it must be so hard, but frankly, it is not hard if you know how to do it, and how to prepare yourself for fasting. If you prepare properly you won’t even be hungry.
But, keep in mind, that if you are afraid to fast, or just don’t want to do it, you don’t have to. If you don’t fast you can still save your life and make drastic changes in yourself. Fasting will make it happen faster, but it is still entirely possible without fasting.
Read about my Fasting Journey, and see if fasting might be for you.
I feel great
All of these changes have turned my health journey around. I feel great now. I feel like I’m 20 again. Or even better than that!
You can do it too, and I can help you!
Cornerstone Articles
- Diabetes – My journey (how to reverse diabetes)
- Stroke – My journey
- Heart Disease and how I reversed it
- My diet can save your life
- Fasting – My journey
- Weight Loss – How I did it (coming soon)
- Mental Health – My Journey (coming soon)